Priority Service Register

All energy companies – including network suppliers who deliver power – work together to care for customers who need some extra help and support. The support is provided to people who are on the Priority Service Register

What is the Priority Service Register?

This is a free and voluntary support service. It enables us to provide support and advice to customers who may require additional help during a power cut. We also offer advice on how to prepare for a power cut.

When you’re on the register, your data is protected while keeping you safe. We’ll only share information about you, with your consent, with your supplier and trusted partners such as charities, with the aim of making sure you’re properly protected.

Priority treatment during planned or unplanned power cuts
Safety advice
Security – we agree a password with you before we visit, so you know you can trust the person at the door

Who can join?

Households with someone who:
Has a chronic or serious illness
Relies on electricity for medical reasons
Has a mental health condition
Has limited mobility
Is of pensionable age
Is under the age of 5
Has additional language or communication needs

How to register

It’s easy. Call us on +44 (0) 1234 486487. Or, download our registration form and send it back to us at We’ll confirm that you’re connected to our network and that you’re eligible for the PSR.

Alternatively, you can register with your energy supplier. If you consent, they’ll share this information with us.

Priority Service Registration form

What happens after I’ve registered?

We regularly check the Priority Service Register for new customers. Once you’ve joined, we’ll send you a letter to introduce ourselves. We will also send advice on how to prepare for a power cut.

To ensure we keep our records up to date with the most accurate information, please let us know if there are any changes to your circumstances or if there’s anything else you’d like to make us aware of.

If you are moving home, please let us know so that we can update the register. Even if we’re not your Network Operator at the new property, we can advise you on how to find out who that is, along with their contact details.

If you no longer wish to be on the register, let us know and we’ll remove your name from the list.

Power cut FAQs

Sometimes power cuts are unavoidable because of conditions beyond anyone’s control. Other outages are planned for maintenance. If you’ve got a query, start with our FAQs.