Eclipse Power Optimise

Fast, low-cost, reliable, localised energy.

Experts in microgrids and private networks

Why wait years to get connected? The solution is already here.

Microgrids and private networks enable local energy generation to be used where it’s needed most – in the area where the generation sources are located.

Eclipse Power Optimise works with you to design, build, and operate a private network or a microgrid. (We’ll advise you on which route is right for you.)

The result: a rapid reduction in the time it takes to get an efficient, low-cost, reliable energy connection for your project.

Eclipse Power Optimise is a new service, launching soon. Get in touch now to be kept up to date with the latest news. Or follow us on LinkedIn.

What are Microgrids?

A microgrid generates power locally – usually through renewable energy sources such as solar or wind power. Then it distributes the power to a local network. This means, for example, that a housing developer, a retirement village or even an existing local community, can get the power they need at potentially a lower cost.

A microgrid needs a smaller connection to the national grid, enabling excess power to be stored and exported back to the grid when demand is high. Sitting behind a single meter, the microgrid is primarily designed to meet local needs. So, there’s less infrastructure to build and far less power required than would be needed for a conventional grid connection.

Eclipse Power Optimise

What are Private Networks?

A private network is similar to a microgrid but bigger.

Private electrical networks are localised power distribution systems managed by a private company, local authority, or other entity. Able to operate independently to the grid or in conjunction with it, private networks enable connected sites to generate, distribute and control their energy supply more effectively. This means that the cost of energy can be much lower.

Private networks also allow greater flexibility in the design and management of the network. The model can be used to solve construction challenges, pursue growth opportunities and deliver phased developments far more effectively.

How we can help

Eclipse Power Optimise can help you to design, build and maintain a microgrid or private network, working to the same high standards as any other network. We’ll also manage the relationship with the grid for you, so you have less to worry about.

Benefit from:

Efficient, low-cost, reliable energy. All delivered from a single source of expertise.

A simpler, cheaper and faster connection, offering an alternative solution to the frustrations of the conventional grid connection process.

Local power generation at the point where the demand is.

Potential for significantly lower energy bills.

Meeting sustainability and environmental commitments while reducing costs.

Experienced experts working within the energy sector’s regulatory framework.

Joint venture opportunities for developers and property owners.

The opportunity to retrofit existing developments.

Part of the
Eclipse Power Group

We’re part of the Eclipse Power Group family. So, when you talk to us, you’re talking to a small team of highly experienced experts in the field of grid connections, backed by big company resources.