Power cut?

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What’s gone wrong?

Sometimes a power cut is planned as part of necessary maintenance. Before this happens, we always get in touch – well in advance – so that you know what’s happening.

If the power cut is unplanned, the first step is to check that your neighbours have also lost their supply. If they haven’t, the problem could be with your own fuses. Do you have a trip switch? Check to see if it has operated. If it has, switch off all your appliances and try to reset the trip. The supply may then come back on.

If the trip has not operated, and you can find no other reason, there may be a problem with the electricity supply in your area. To report a loss of supply, or if you depend on electrical equipment for medical needs and you are experiencing difficulties, report a power cut or call us on 0800 0548 192.

What to do

If you have a battery-operated radio, listen to the local radio station as they should be informed of electricity supply problems, especially during times of severe weather.

We will also keep your supplier informed (that is the company who send you an electricity bill).

It is useful to keep a torch handy for such situations.

Turn off your electrical appliances and lights but leave one light switched on so that you know when the power has been reconnected.

Planned power outages

Sometimes we have to interrupt the electricity supply to carry out maintenance on our network. We will write and tell you about a planned interruption to the electricity supply at least two days in advance.

If you need to need know more about a planned interruption, get in touch using the phone number on the top of the notification letter.

It’s impossible to guarantee a constant supply of electricity. So make sure you have alternative arrangements in place if you depend on electricity for the operation of medical equipment.

Name of Outage Date Time Outage Start Outage End Site Address Postcode Reason for Outage
Test 1 20th November 2024 12.00 13.45 14.55 999 Letsby Avenue SG1 2NG Test reason
Test 1 20th November 2024 12.00 13.45 14.55 999 Letsby Avenue SG1 2NG Test reason
Test 1 20th November 2024 12.00 13.45 14.55 999 Letsby Avenue SG1 2NG Test reason
Test 1 20th November 2024 12.00 13.45 14.55 999 Letsby Avenue SG1 2NG Test reason
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Power cut FAQs

Sometimes power cuts are unavoidable because of conditions beyond anyone’s control. Other outages are planned for maintenance. If you’ve got a query, start with our FAQs.