When it comes to Electric Vehicle (EV) charging solutions, Eclipse Power Networks seek to deliver an innovative, cost-effective outcome to assist clients with their Electric Vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure plans.
We have seen an increase in the number of companies who are looking to roll out EV charging infrastructure that require a new connection, as opposed to ‘behind the meter’ installations within existing electrical infrastructure. This in turn has resulted in problems with lack of network capacity and increasingly high connection costs for clients.
As a licensed Independent Distribution Network Operator (IDNO), we can support the installation of EV charging through our innovative design and engineering solutions, resulting in quicker and more cost-effective adoption of the new contestable network that connects the charging points to the national electricity grid.
Our experience and capabilities within the UKs energy industry, specifically for High Voltage (HV) and Extra High Voltage (EHV) network connections, combined with being unencumbered from any single ICP enables us to collaborate with local ICP’s. We support them with our knowledge and expertise to provide customers with innovative and cost-effective engineering solutions specific for the project requirements.
Eclipse Power Networks can assist clients with their plans for EV Charging Station and infrastructure, including projects within:
Eclipse Power Networks IDNO can provide the solution for your EV Charging Infrastructure:
For more information on how Eclipse Power Networks can assist with your EV Charging infrastructure, please get in touch via the details below:
enquiries@eclipsepower.co.uk | www.eclipsepower.co.uk | 01234 486487